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As Administrator and Curator for the Dominance and Submission Batley Town House of Disturbed But Still All Right Idle-Handed Sluts, I have many responsibilities, one of them (not the least) being to provide cosy and convenient places for all kinds of social matters and public relations. Like many researchers, Mrs Premise and Mrs Conclusion tend to live in their ivory towers, ignoring the legal and social realities of life. However, I think you'll agree that even a respectable institution like ours can do with a friendly, lively side to keep the books from dust and the full frontal nudities from sueing.

In this perspective, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the places proposed below for your entertainment and our safety.

Mrs Peignoir


To get an idea of our general policies and orientations
To see our sources and tributes to our benefactors
To trade Idle-related material or post a wants list
To share news, infos, opinions or criticism
To say hello


And to write to Mrs Peignoir :
